Trigg Loyalty lojalitetsplattform fra Oculos

Trigg Loyalty

The smart loyalty platform with seamless integration into your systems

What do you get from Trigg Loyalty?

The flexible functionality in Trigg Loyalty makes it easy to manage your own loyalty program successfully.

Reward purchase and activity

Reward purchase and activity

Total control

Total control

Simple user interface

Simple user interface

Integrations with Trigg Loyalty

Transfer customer data through safe and solid APIs

Trigg Loyalty

Why choose Trigg Loyalty?

Innsikt om kunder og lojalitet

Customer and loyalty insights

70 % say it’s a challenge to integrate across channels and platforms. 70 % say it’s a challenge to provide excellent customer experiences digitally.

Source: ANFO. Den Store Annonsørrapporten 2023. Interviews with Norwegian marketing professionals..

Any questions?

You can call or send an email to Kristian. He will tell you everything you need to know about Trigg Loyalty.

Kristian Marthinsen

Kristian Marthinsen

Nordic Head of Business Development

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